An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.

In Dota, this is my all time favourite hero, most people refer this hero as SB a.k.a Spirit Breaker. Why this is my favourite? Because this hero can kill, I mean can really kill. Usually if you use SB and against one on one, by 90% you will win, why? because SB have this awesome skill to kill his opponent. One of them is the Greater Bash, with this skill not many heroes are able to escape from SB, I always believes that SB is the only hero that able to make bash loop, it happen sometime where when the enemy got bash twice in row, I just love this skill making my opponent vulnerable :P. I'm not going to blog about all of SB skillset, so for more info please click here.

In this past 2 weeks, my game play for Dota is suck, I think it was the worst performance ever, I loses almost all game that I played, I guess the main reason for that is first - I got heroes that I'm not familiar with, 2nd - I can't sync with my other team mate to get a good collaboration and 3rd - all of my opponent are pros. But that all changed yesterday evening. It has been long since I got SB, really long, and yesterday the tide has turn, I was the killing machine, I managed to kill 16 heroes but unfortunately I died 6, and more bad news, my team lost. But the game was very tight, a lot of pushing from one side to another and in the late game all of them aim me and my killing partner the Brood Mother (Spiderthrone), never thought spiderthrone a.k.a Along can play Brood Mother, but guess what, he himself was surprise that he can actually play Brood Mother, thumbs up for you bro.